CBD Oil For Pets: What You Need to Know About Giving Your Pet CBD

CBD Oil For Pets: What You Need to Know About Giving Your Pet CBD

Posted by Dogs enjoying pet CBD oil on Oct 27th 2022

CBD is not just for humans. CBD oil for pets is becoming more and more popular as owners look for ways to ease their furry friend’s anxiety, pain and other ailments.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in cannabis. Unlike its better-known cousin THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD is non-intoxicating and does not produce a “high.”
CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which helps to regulate things like mood, pain,inflammation and sleep. When CBD is introduced into the body, it helps to restore balance and promote homeostasis.
Researchers are just beginning to study CBD’s effects on animals, but the early evidence is promising. A 2017 study published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science found that CBD oil may help to relieve anxiety in dogs. And a small study conducted in 2016 found that CBD oil was effective in reducing pain and inflammation in rats with arthritis.
There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re considering giving your pet CBD oil. First, start with a low dose and increase gradually as needed. Second, make sure you get a high-quality product from a reputable source. And third, always talk to your veterinarian first, as CBD oil may interact with other medications your pet is taking.
Now let’s take a closer look at some of the potential benefits of giving your pet CBD oil.
CBD Oil for Pets: Potential Benefits
1. Anxiety Relief
Does your dog suffer from separation anxiety or get stressed out during thunderstorms? If so, CBD oil may be able to help.
A 2017 study published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science found that CBD oil was effective in reducing anxiety in dogs. The study looked at dogs who were afraid of fireworks and found that those who received CBD oil were less scared and had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
Other research has shown that CBD may be effective in treating other types of anxiety, including social anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

2. Pain Relief
If your pet is in pain from arthritis or another condition, CBD oil may help to ease their discomfort.
A small study published in 2016 found that CBD oil was effective in reducing pain and inflammation in rats with arthritis. And a 2018 review of the literature concluded that CBD was effective in reducing pain in a variety of animals, including rats, dogs, cats and horses.

 3. Cancer Treatment
CBD oil may also have potential as a treatment for cancer.
A 2018 review of the literature found that CBD was effective in reducing tumor growth in a variety of animal models, including rats, mice and dogs. And a small study conducted in 2016 found that CBD oil was effective in reducing the spread of breast cancer cells in rats.
Of course, more research is needed in this area, but the early evidence is promising.

4. Skin Conditions  

CBD oil may also be helpful in treating your pet’s skin conditions.  A small study published in 2014 found that CBD oil was effective in treating a type of skin disease called atopic dermatitis in rats. And a 2017 study found that CBD oil was effective in treating another type of skin disease called psoriasis in mice.

5. Seizures
Side Effects of CBD Oil for Pets
The side effects of CBD oil are typically mild and may include dry mouth, diarrhea, decreased appetite, drowsiness and fatigue.
If you notice any side effects in your pet, stop giving them CBD oil and talk to your veterinarian.
Dosage of CBD Oil for Pets
The dosage of CBD oil for pets will vary depending on the size and weight of your pet, as well as the condition you’re treating.
It’s always best to start with a low dose and increase gradually as needed. You can give your pet CBD oil by placing a few drops on their food or directly into their mouth.

To find a reputable source of CBD oil for pets, look for a product that is:
• Third-party tested
• Made from organic, non-GMO hemp
• Free of pesticides, herbicides, solvents and other harmful chemicals
• Labeled with the amount of CBD per serving
When in doubt, talk to your veterinarian. They can help you choose a product and determine the best dosage for your pet.
Final Thoughts

CBD oil for pets is becoming more and more popular as owners look for ways to ease their furry friend’s anxiety, pain and other ailments.